Regatta Dental

Restorative Dentistry


Restorative Dentistry

What is Restorative Dentistry?

We are dedicated to restoring your teeth back to their normal shape, function and appearance. As we age, our teeth become weaker and more susceptible to decay or gum disease. Restorative dental services are used to resolve the imperfections that age brings to your smile. 

Patients may look to restorative dentistry for a variety of reasons. Read more about how we can help you improve your smile with our restorative dentistry treatments.

When To Get Restorative Dentistry Treatment

Mercury-Free Composite Fillings

Composite (white) fillings are entirely mercury-free and are used to repair teeth that have been damaged by cracks, decay or fractures. In this dental procedure, the affected portion of the tooth will be removed and replaced by a composite filling. Due to the fact that these mercury-free fillings are tooth coloured, they can be matched to the exact colour of the existing teeth. Composite fillings from The Rise Dental will eliminate dental damage to bring back your healthy smile.


Dental Crowns

A crown dental procedure is used to protect and strengthen a tooth structure that is beyond restoration with fillings or other dental treatments. A crown will encase the entire surface of a damaged tooth, returning it back to its original shape and size. Patients will need to undergo a crown procedure for broken or fractured teeth, decayed teeth, large fillings, root canals, cosmetic enhancement and fractured fillings.


Dental Bridges

Restore your smile and fill any empty space in your bite with dental bridges. Typically the best option to replace missing teeth, a dental bridge is a fixed appliance made of porcelain and metal. Dental bridges are incredibly durable and will last for many years, allowing you to feel proud of your beautiful smile.


Implant Dentures

If you are missing several teeth, whether from extractions, injury, severe gum disease, or other causes, implant dentures are a beautiful solution for restoring your smile. Implant dentures are supported by titanium implant posts secured within your jaw. This makes them a permanent solution to your missing teeth without the slippage and movement that is so characteristic of traditional dentures.


Root Canal Treatments

A patient may need to undergo root canal therapy if tooth decay has reached the inner tooth tissue, infection has developed inside the tooth or there has been injury or trauma to a tooth. To save it, Dr. Daniel Hyun will remove the nerves, bacteria and any decay inside the tooth. The leftover space will then be filled with medicated dental material, restoring the tooth back to its normal function.

Root Canal Treatment

Request an Appointment at One of Our Dental Offices


Village Park Dental

Mississauga Office

(905) 949-5800

Sheridan Garden Dental

Oakville Office

(905) 829-1244

Ontario Dental Association
Canadian Dental Association


1077 N. Service Rd, Unit 27
Mississauga, ON
L4Y 1A6
(905) 949-5800



1140 Winston Churchill Blvd.
Oakville, ON
L6J 0A3
(905) 829-1244