Regatta Dental

Oral Surgery & Periodontics


oral surgery

Oral Surgery & Periodontics Treatments In Mississauga & Oakville

One of the conveniences of being a patient at Dr. Hyun Dentistry is having access to a general dentist who has the training and skill to perform a wide range of surgical procedures in the comfort of our Oakville & Mississauga dental offices.  There is no need for a specialist referral, in most cases. Dr. Daniel Hyun worked alongside a periodontist for four years and has taken post-graduate training in oral surgery to allow him to perform anything from lip & tongue tie surgery to wisdom teeth extractions in-house.

Read more about the Oral Surgery services provided by Dr. Hyun Dentistry:


Wisdom Tooth Extractions

With an oral examination and x-rays of the mouth, Dr. Daniel Hyun can evaluate the position of your wisdom teeth and predict if there could be future problems. Studies have shown that early evaluation and treatment result in a superior outcome for the patient.


Endodontic Surgery

Occasionally, a root canal procedure alone cannot save your tooth and Dr. Daniel Hyun will recommend surgery. Endodontic surgery can be used to locate small fractures or hidden canals that weren’t detected on x-rays or during previous treatment.



The small band of muscle fibers hidden under the lip is called the frenum. In some people, this frenum develops too close to the teeth or tongue. Untreated frenums can cause gum recession, a gap between the front teeth, speech problems and a “poor latch” during breastfeeding. 


Gum Grafts

Gum recession is corrected by transplanting a thick, resistant type of gum from the roof of your mouth to the area where thicker gum is needed. This procedure is highly successful.


Gummy Smiles, Gingivectomies & Crown Lengthening

In a simple procedure, excessive gum is removed using local anesthetic to eliminate spaces or pockets (Gingivectomies), expose more of the tooth (Crown lengthening)  or create a more attractive smile (Gummy smile correction)

Eliminating existing bacteria and regenerating bone and tissue helps to reduce pocket depth and repair damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease.  The chronic inflammation associated with this under-the-gumline bacteria, has been linked with serious diseases such as heart disease and stroke.


Periodontal Oral Surgery

Eliminating existing bacteria and regenerating bone and tissue helps to reduce pocket depth and repair damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease.  The chronic inflammation associated with this under-the-gumline bacteria, has been linked with serious diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Request an Appointment at One of Our Dental Offices


Village Park Dental

Mississauga Office

(905) 949-5800

Sheridan Garden Dental

Oakville Office

(905) 829-1244

Ontario Dental Association
Canadian Dental Association


1077 N. Service Rd, Unit 27
Mississauga, ON
L4Y 1A6
(905) 949-5800



1140 Winston Churchill Blvd.
Oakville, ON
L6J 0A3
(905) 829-1244